As your business grows as an online service provider, You’ll hit different stages of your business that will require you to take on additional resources. The problem with that is how do you know which ones you need?

Let me guess, you THINK you know what you need based on what your recent client asked if you can do. So you start buying all the courses and possibly even hiring a coach to help give you the answers.

Let me save you time and money.

I’ve compiled my top 3 mistakes I see clients making in their business when they come to me.


Many online service providers have not had proper training on what or how to track their efforts.

Have you struggled with content or services or do you offer services that you think are good but don’t really have feedback?

Start by tracking these three main efforts and learn your conversion rates to ensure your efforts are going to impact your bottom line

  • Email marketing conversions. This will help you to see which freebie performed the best so you can focus your efforts elsewhere. If it isn’t broke, then don’t try and fix it. Your opt-in conversions can help you to determine which links get clicked on most and how many of those actually convert to someone making a purchase.

  • Sales process conversions. This one tells you exactly what the problem is in your sales. Almost no one has a visual sales process that they use to track conversions.

Working on the wrong parts of the business

  • How many courses have you bought?

  • How many times do you pay for a sales coach when you really needed a service suite overhaul?

  • How many times did you overlook the power of blogging or email marketing or added Pinterest marketing when you needed to grow your email list and nurture them.

All of this ties back into not tracking your efforts properly

Investing Incorrectly

You’re investing incorrectly because you’re working on the wrong parts of your business because you’re not tracking properly. In order to know where you’re going, you need to know where you’ve been. Simply put, start tracking your efforts and know your conversions.

If you’re unsure of how to do this, book a call and let’s get you on the right track.

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