For the first year of my business I wanted to take as many people that came my way. I wanted to experience the opportunity to learn which clients would develop into my ideal clients and which clients I thought would not be a good fit for me. As smart as this sounds, I also couldn’t afford to say no to anyone and thought to myself “Why would I want to say no to anyone.” The truth is although I was getting clients and making money, I was relying strictly on word of mouth. My marketing wasn’t working and I couldn’t figure out why. I was working all of my social platforms and posting every other day, If not daily. I was posting on stories and feeds like it was my only job but getting minimal likes and comments. I was completely stumped. What was I doing wrong? What was I missing? Until I participated in a workshop that spelled it all out for me. I was saying a lot to no one. I wasn’t speaking to anyone to make them turn their head to notice me or my services. I was blindly putting out info and services that were not catered to ANYONE. Talk about mind blown, I took this information as if they were following me this entire time. I had been so afraid to not get anyone that I wasn’t creating a connection up front. This workshop completely changed my perspective on what my role in entrepreneurship was and I had been blinded by my own ignorance but all of that was about to change.

Now don’t get me wrong, So many people and articles that I read told me to niche down but at the time, I had no idea who was my ideal client and quite frankly how can you niche down if you don’t know who you want to niche down to? Am I right? Fast forward to a super awesome workshop I took online at Go Live that completely transformed the appeal of my business. You guys, THE PHONE STARTED RINGING, the DM’s were coming in and comments were flowing like “Yes girl, you are speaking directly to me!” So many women were really connecting with me and felt inspired by my position and message and my message was loud, clear and targeted to who my ideal clients are and they responded to it like a mamma bird calling out to a baby bird. The best part is that this was all happening within 1 week. I am now able to make a real connection with my prospects before we even speak. Don’t we all want that?

If you are asking yourself if you should niche down, the answer is simple,YES! Head over to the link in the story if you want to take the workshop. It’s only $20 and it’s a priceless gem.

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