How many years have you been with your company? 17 years.  I started as an intern right out of college (Go Gators) and took advantage of the growth opportunities the company offered and never left!


What do you look for when hiring someone to fit your team and company culture? We are in the sales business, and the most important thing about selling is connecting with your customer.  The three most important qualities I look for are energy, enthusiasm and friendliness.  I am confident that we can teach anyone the skills to sell, but it is much more challenging to teach someone how to have high energy!


What do you do to help keep your sales staff engaged, positive and successful?  Communicate often, let them know we are listening and their feedback matters.   We try to remove as many roadblocks that can prevent them from hitting targets, and give them the tools they need to succeed.  Lastly, it’s so important to recognize and celebrate those who achieve their targets and also, equally important, those who live our values.  We have a lot of great people on our team, and we want them to know that we appreciate them.


How do you maintain work life balance? What’s that?!  Jk.  In my opinion, work/life balance doesn’t mean that you need to be in an office from 8am-5:30 Mon-fri and then be home by a certain time.  Work/life balance to me means that I can be where I need to be to support my kids and my family and still find the time to complete my work.  I am ok with finishing a project at 9:30pm once the kids are asleep if it means that I could pick them up from daycare by 5pm.  It’s also so important to me to plan in advance.  I live off of my calendar, and make sure to block off the necessary time to make sure I can be where I need to be or do what I need to do.


What has been your biggest work success to date?  I have been with this company for so long and there are many things that I am proud of, but honestly I feel like I am most successful when I can help other people develop and grow to achieve their goals.  I love the concept of reaching back down on the ladder and pulling others up.  That keeps me motivated.


What have been your biggest life challenges as a working mom?  My biggest challenges as a working mom is definitely juggling all the balls and keeping everything in the air.  There’s always the “mom guilt” of knowing they spend a lot of time in daycare, and that I can’t be everywhere all the time.  Luckily, my husband is extremely involved with the kids and always steps up when I can’t be there.


Do you have any sales tips for my audience? (Do’s and Don’ts)  You only get one chance to make a good first impression.  If you are in face-to-face sales, smile and be authentic.  People buy from people, and earning their trust gets you so much closer to closing a deal.  Know your products and services, and find a way to add value to the interaction.  Listen to your customer, and find a solution for their needs.


Do you have any working mom hacks, tips, insider tips?  Don’t be scared to ask for help.  I love being able to help my mom friends when I am able to, and I am equally appreciative of when they can do the same for me.  It definitely takes a village.  Also, keep some frozen pizzas on hand for those nights you are too tired to make dinner!


What advice would you give other working moms?  Find the balance that works for you and your family.  Put your family first – I am a big believer in “the personal drives the professional”.  Be honest with your team/boss if you need extra support.  And know that your kids see you working hard and that you are setting a strong example.

