As a business owner you have probably said to yourself “I need to grow” or “How the heck am I supposed to grow?” Growing is such a necessity for the business so it’s no wonder why you’re losing sleep at night. First thing to acknowledge is that you are not alone. Every single business owner either struggles with this or has struggles with this, so i’m here to provide you with a really awesome tips.

If you are just starting out, take advice from everyone who has ever started out. Take as many clients as you can and make as many deals as you can for the first 6 months to a year. You will gather trust, value and make a name for yourself and these same clients will most likely send you referrals. If you are a service based company like a hair salon, investing in YELP or Google ads is an incredible resource BONUS,.

If you have been in business for over a year, START WITH YOUR INACTIVE LIST. This is a great place to begin when in search for adding volume to your active client list. The reminder that you are still around might trigger the idea that they need your services again or maybe they will know of just the right person for you.

Here’s a secret bonus for you– Start campaigning to build referral sources. Reach out to those in the business that compliment your business where you can send each other business. For example, if you are a real estate agent you should be building relationships with lenders. If you are a marketing company or freelance web designer, you should be building a relationship with small business coaches and consultants. See the picture I’m painting?
